To ensure the right offer for everyone in our international group of companies, we offer a wide range of digital training opportunities. This means you can learn flexibly, regardless of time or place - even from home. You’re not sure online training is right for you? To give you a better overview, here’s a quick introduction to our cooperation partners!
Business coaching is a personal, confidential, and individual development that an external coach can support you particularly well with.
It is no coincidence that coaching has long been so popular in the corporate context!
In 1:1 coaching sessions, you can identify topics – according to your specific development needs – which you wish to develop and work on solutions for. This enables you to grow both professionally and personally.
Coaching is all about empowering yourself to move forward. CoachHub makes it possible for you to find a coach with a specific focus on any given issue (e.g. digital transformation, leadership, creative processes, etc.).
Welcome to CoachHub!
CoachHub is a digital coaching platform with a pool of more than 3000 certified coaches worldwide, in 60 languages. After completing a short questionnaire, you may choose a coach who will accompany you in virtual face-to-face sessions over the next 3 months. The coach will help you to develop your full potential and achieve your (business) goals.
Reasons why and when we recommend a coaching:
- Coaching is recommended whenever you want to put yourself in a position to tackle specific development areas or challenges
- Learning and growing at your own pace: When you want to start by finding out what exactly you want to work on in order to move forward. Your coach helps you to activate your own resources and to develop your potential
- Individual 1:1 support: Get personal feedback from a person outside your sphere of influence. Your coach offers you space, support, perspective, and reflection
- As a complement to or part of the 360-degree feedback that is available on peoplenet and is carried out in cooperation with your local HR department
Key info about CoachHub at a glance:
- You can start your coaching at any time! Once your supervisor has given their approval on peoplenet, you can register on the CoachHub landing page
- €2,280 for a 6-month license
- You schedule your sessions yourself (at least one every two weeks, up to a maximum of two sessions per week)
- Stay flexible: You can cancel or reschedule your appointments at any time and up to 24 hours before the session, free of charge
- Still have questions? Please feel free to contact us anytime at