Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA
Bertelsmann University
Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 270
33311 Gütersloh
VAT no.: DE 126 770 390
Registry no.: HRB 9194
Registry court: Gütersloh district court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Christoph Mohn
General Partner
Bertelsmann Management SE
Gütersloh District court HRB 9084
Executive Board of Bertelsmann Management SE
Thomas Rabe (Chairman), Carsten Coesfeld, Thomas Coesfeld, Rolf Hellermann, Immanuel Hermreck
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Christoph Mohn
Responsible for the content
Steven Moran, Chief Learning Officer, Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA
Contact: Sophia Ohlendorf, Learning Culture & Communication, Bertelsmann University
Phone: +49(5241)80-42443
All information on this website has been carefully checked. We make every effort to continually expand and update the information it contains, but cannot guarantee its completeness, accuracy and complete up-to-dateness. Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA provides this information without any assurances or warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA excludes all liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website, provided they are not based on intent or gross negligence on the part of Bertelsmann. Our websites contain links to other websites. These links serve a purely informational purpose. We have no control over the future development of the content on these linked websites. Therefore, the operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for their content.
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Agile Methoden einsetzen: @ESB Professional
Getting Started in Blockchain/ Build an Ethereum Blockchain App: @sdecoret
Beready - the digital series for Top Executives: @metamorworks
Bertelsmann Business Trail: @Rawpixel
Business Analyst: @metamorworks
Creative Leadership Curriculum: @ESB Professional
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Feedbackkultur: @Monkey Business Images
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Bertelsmann Employee Scholarship: @Rawpixel
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Building Generative AI Skills for Busniess Professionals: @starush
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Digital Game Changers: @Prostock-studio
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Starte deine digitale Lernerfahrung. Jetzt!: @Montri
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Udacity Nanodegree: 6-Month "all-access" Lincense: @baranq
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License certificates for istock images
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June 2024