Continuing Education for all Bertelsmann Employees – Worldwide
Build a better HR skill set with AIHR! Develop the latest HR skills. Learn by doing,…
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Find AI learning content for any role and skill level and start learning right away
Racism in all its forms prevents equity and inclusion. At the same time, racial discrimination…
Digital live sessions to inspire and equip top executives to shape the future of their…
Gain a holistic view of how a modern business organization works and grows, and sharpen your…
A scholarship program specially tailored to the upskilling needs of Bertelsmann employees and…
3 days of virtual sessions for learning experts and HR professionals, introducing our workforce…
Your personal coach will help you discover new perspectives and behaviors to reach your business…
Choose from courses, hands-on projects, and certificate programs to build essential career…
Support selected creative talent at Bertelsmann as they emerge into management and leadership…
Foster capacity for innovation by merging technology and business development perspectives
Get an overview of data science with a code- and math-free introduction to prediction,…
Be inspired by selected Tech & Data developments and receive the strategic input needed to…
Meet your trainer in a virtual classroom setting to master the business language skills you need…
Vermittlung wichtiger Grundlagen für einen erfolgreichen Start in die Rolle des:r…
Motivation, Delegation und herausfordernde Situationen mit den Auszubildenden meistern
Low employee satisfaction, high absenteeism, declining productivity? A healthy leadership…
Steig in die Thematik Gehörlosigkeit ein, erhalte erste Einblicke in die Gebärdensprache und…
Learn how to use AI tools and free up time for what really matters to you.
Find out three key tools you can use to promote the health and well-being of your employees to…
Lerne Prozesse und Strukturen in deinem Arbeitsumfeld bei Bertelsmann so zu gestalten, dass…
This program will guide you and your team in developing a deep understanding of the strategic…
Technological disruption drives transformational opportunities: Discover entirely new growth…
The "Learn & Grow: AI for Creatives"-series curates a selection of the most relevant…
From new strategy frameworks to geopolitical forces, from state-of-the-art org designs to…
Stress at the workplace can have an impact on our health and well-being and can lead to mental…
Advance your technical skills while earning achievements or preparing for Microsoft…
For emerging next-generation executives: Get the latest academic knowledge on Strategy,…
For many people, religion is a central aspect of their daily (work) routine. Any kind of…
Learning all SAP solutions digitally on the SAP Learning Platform
Deepen business language skills at your own pace to successfully improve your English
Sprint Business Skills focuses on the skills you need to succeed in a global virtual business…
A development program specially designed to help Bertelsmann businesses grow well-rounded…
Unconscious bias influences many decisions and processes in everyday work and can have a…
Your Campus is our cross-divisional source for mutual growth. Share your hacks and benefit from…
Lifelong Studying is not as is as it might sound. Integrate self-directed learning into your…