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Bertelsmann University restructures its Learning Offer – Find Suitable Programs Even Faster

Bertelsmann University’s wide range of continuing education programs offers employees worldwide the opportunity to acquire and develop the skills they need for their jobs – today and in the future. Keeping in mind the competencies that are important on the job market currently as well as in the future, Bertelsmann University has fundamentally revised the design of its website. From now on, employees can select training courses via the four new focus topics: “Leadership & Strategy”, “Creativity & Innovation”, “Technology & Data”, and “New Work”. 

The new design of the website makes it easier for employees to find suitable offerings for success-critical skills even faster. The new structure also enables employees to be up-to-date with events or contemporary topics. These focus topics are important for the future-orientated transformation of Bertelsmann and thus linked to certain programs Bertelsmann University offers.

In the area of Leadership & Strategy, Bertelsmann University offers a wide range of continuing education programs for executives and experts to support the transformation process with a strong strategic mindset and to develop success-critical skills in the sense of a strong leadership culture. For example, leaders and experts get an overview over strategic topics like innovation, change management and finance and expand their strategic mindset in the program “Managing for Business Success”.

Creativity is key to innovation. In order to create the conditions for innovation at Bertelsmann, employees can find a wide range of opportunities to expand their creative skills, methods, and competencies in the area of Creativity & Innovation. From October on, for example, close to 2,000 selected “CreativeLive” online courses on topics such as Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, and Communication will be available on the digital learning platform “CreativeLive”. In the next weeks you will find more information on the CreativeLive offer on Benet. In the program “Introduction to Design Thinking”,  participants gain an insight into the topic Design Thinking. There you can learn practical methods and find useful tools to problem solving, which you can apply directly to your daily business life.

In the course of increasing digitalization, the Technology & Data programs deal with success-critical digital skills, especially in the areas of Cloud, Data, and Artificial Intelligence. In addition, the dynamic developments of technological trends and their effects on Bertelsmann are taught through various formats. An important digital competence is dealing with big data. The new „E-Learning Visual Data Analytics“ deals with this topic and prepares participants to create smart and elaborate visualizations, to develop or advance standards. In addition, participants in the program “Digital Lounge” can get a profound understanding of the dynamic developments of technological trends.

New Work refers to a new way of working together towards greater flexibility and agility in this global and digital age. Accordingly, the offerings in this area are designed to teach relevant know-how, in order to derive and seize individual opportunities for oneself – and for Bertelsmann – from the digital transformation. Employees, who are interested in the topic New Work, can find compact information in the “New Work – Online Course Collection”.

Want to find out more? If you would like to find out more, take a look at the new Bertelsmann University website and be inspired. Further information on the four focus topics as well as the corresponding continuing education programs, and learning opportunities can be found on the Bertelsmann University social media channels: Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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