“#BeALearnfluencer" is the slogan for the “Kollegen-Campus 2020” initiated by Bertelsmann University. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year the event series, in which colleagues share their knowledge and experience with one another, will take place online, cross-divisionally, and worldwide for the first time. The participants in the digital pilot series include units from Arvato Financial Solutions, companies from the Asia Pacific region, and the whole of BMG. The format, originally developed by Gruner + Jahr, was hosted last year by the Corporate Center and Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland in the form of face-to-face events.
“In times of digitalization and the ever-increasing networking of Bertelsmann’s businesses, collaborative learning is becoming increasingly important,” says Sophia Ohlendorf from the “Kollegen-Campus” team at Bertelsmann University. “We are pleased that the transition to a digital ‘Kollegen-Campus’ allows us to offer the format across departmental boundaries, so that even more employees can share their knowledge with other employees.” Dörte Wickenhagen, who is responsible for “Learning Culture” at Bertelsmann University, adds: “Especially in times of social distancing, we feel it is important to support collaborative learning as well as a culture of learning and thus of each individual’s further development.” Essentially, all employees – whether alone or together with colleagues – are given the opportunity to share their knowledge in sessions as interactive workshops or presentations. In these sessions, they can contribute any topics that have a connection with their own company’s working world or that could be relevant to other Bertelsmann businesses. For example, these can include how to design a workshop both digitally and interactively, how speed-reading works, how to properly understand an annual report, how to effectively use cloud applications, e.g. Microsoft Teams, and how to create podcasts. Topics that provide insights into creativity or relaxation techniques are also welcome additions to the “curriculum.”
Employees who wish to offer such a 90-minute digital training session are also given the opportunity to attend “train-the-trainer” courses in advance – also digitally, of course. Bertelsmann University also offers in-house training in technical design. Anyone interested in participating in the digital “Kollegen-Campus” as a trainer should first find out whether their company is participating in the initiative. The attached chart contains a list of these companies. At each company, at least one colleague in the HR department is responsible for the “Kollegen-Campus” and is available to answer any questions. The consent of the respective manager is also required. Interested parties can fill out the registration form for trainers up until the beginning of September and send it to the responsible “Kollegen-Campus” contacts persons.
Training sessions will be selected, and feedback sent to all applicants, by September 11. On September 22, companies will publish a course overview with all colleagues who will be conducting a session. Registration for employees from the participating companies will then be possible via Peoplenet. The “Train-the-Trainer” workshops will then take place in October. Finally, the actual “Kollegen-Campus” events will take place daily for one month from November to December. (benet)